Flying with Kids? Here’s what you need to carry on
Flying looks a little different with kids. It’s normal to feel anxious or stressed when boarding an airplane with little ones, but with preparation, and a well-packed carry-on, we can help you have a successful, fun adventure in the sky.
Packing for the flight
For a successful flight, you need to pack right. You don’t want to overpack your carry-on, but you do not want to forget some essentials.
The first choice is the right carry-on bag and our new OiOi Multitasker Backpack is perfect for families! It’s larger than our classic Nappy Backpack and has an extra sleeve to add your tablets and laptops – a huge help for getting through security lines.
Let’s pack
In your OiOi backpack:
- Nappies, more than you usually carry in case of flight delays
- Wipes for bub’s bum, wiping the trays and cleaning up messes
- Tissue for runny noses
- Baby blanket to keep bub warm or use as a cover for breastfeeding
- Bottles/formula - check with your airline regarding carry-on rules
- Nappy cream, hand cream, sanitiser
- Travel Change Mat
- Pen, if you’re travelling abroad and need to fill out an arrival form
- Reusable water bottles
- Teethers for bubs
- Back-up clothing for baby in case of a blow-out or spill
- An extra T-shirt in case the above lands on mum
- Baby’s lovie/comfort item should always come on the plane; never checked!
- Toys, books, tablets (see below for more details)!
- Food, pack heaps of snacks, or fill up at the shops before boarding.
When travelling with one kid, you may be able to squeeze all the toys and snacks into your OiOi, but since having two, I bring a tote bag for longer journeys. These fold-up totes are great to carry when your backpack is overflowing. I designate this bag for kids’ activities and snacks. I place it under my child’s seat for easy access throughout the flight.
Ideas for your tote bag (age dependent):
- Activity books with stickers
- Crayons/coloured pencils, use a case to keep organised
- Busy baby books that have interactive features
- Mess-free markers or water pads are great for younger kids
- New surprise item to open on the plane
- Post-its are a fun activity for babies to grab and stick around the seat
- Spinning toys that suction onto the window
- Tablet with headphones (pre-download favourite films or shows, wifi never works well enough on planes)
- Pre-packed lunch bag
- Pouches and kids’ favourite snacks to ration throughout the flight.
*If you or your partner is bringing an extra carry-on, pop in extra nappies and backup clothing for yourself in case of a spill.
Before the flight
If you’ve already booked the flight, no worries. If you haven’t, check flight times that work with your little one's sleep schedule. If you are taking a long haul, consider choosing a night flight in hopes that your child will sleep through most of the trip.
When choosing seats, think about what works best for you. If your little one is potty training, select an aisle seat. Is bub on your lap? Pick a window seat to let them look out on the flight. If it’s an international flight, bassinets may be available. These small cots attach to the bulkhead and allow your little one to catch some zzz’s while giving your arms a rest.
Another great tip I’ve learned is to prepare your toddlers for the flight. Talk about the trip, walk through the experience of checking bags, going through security, waiting in lines, boarding the plane and staying seated for the entire time. Prepping their minds for what’s to come will help immensely and get them excited for the new experience.
Are you heading overseas? Read up on our international planning guide.
At the airport
Get there early to save yourself from any added stress. If you can gate-check your pram, do it. It will be more of a pain to go through security, but it frees up your arms in the terminal. If gate-checking isn’t a thing (hello, New Zealand), bring a baby carrier. Bring it even if you can gate check because it will be handy on the plane. My husband and I have spent time walking up and down the aisles trying to get a bub to sleep and being hands-free is a massive help!
Look for kids play areas in the terminal to get any last wiggles out. Find the family bathroom to change nappies before boarding the plane. Often they have chairs to breastfeed, microwaves to heat milk and plenty of extra space to change baby. Also, make sure everyone has used the potty before boarding.
Fill up your reusable water bottles before boarding and re-organise your OiOi if needed for the smoothest transition into your seats.
Board the plane with confidence and don’t stress! Kids are kids, babies will cry, everyone will get to the destination and it will all be ok.
Do you have a long drive after the flight? Have a smooth journey with the kids.

Takeaway tips:
- If you plan to pack a small backpack for your child, there is a good chance you’ll get stuck lugging it around. Pack it light or bring a reusable bag you can toss it in when they get sick of it.
- Choose easy slip-on shoes to get through security quickly.
- Flight attendants love to be helpful with babies and often will happily hold babies while you settle in. Don’t be afraid to ask to store milk in a fridge if needed or to ask for warm water.
- Board when they call for families first for the extra time to settle in the seats. If you are travelling with a partner, send them on the plane first to set up and keep the kids back until the final call – less time in the seat, plus extra time to get the wiggles out.
- Let your little one feed or snack during takeoff to avoid ears popping.
- Realise even though you’ve packed all the toys and snacks, your little ones will find the plane magazines, safety info cards and seat buckles more amusing.
- If you’re stressed, your kids will feel it! Remind yourself it will all be ok.
And last, but not least, enjoy it! Flying is a new experience for your little ones, and it is incredible to watch them discover the world of travelling!
We hope that you enjoyed reading this blog article. Special thanks to Viktoria @viktoriawanders for writing her wonderful guide and to her husband Ryan for the photos. OiOi is a family run Australian business who have built a strong reputation over 25 years for designing Australia's best nappy bags and pram accessories. Follow us on Instagram @oioi_global for daily inspiration or subscribe to our newsletter for beautiful fortnightly emails.
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