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nappy bag checklist

The Ultimate Nappy Bag Checklist: What to Pack for Your Baby

This nappy bag checklist includes a list of all of the essentials so you know exactly what you need to pack for your newborn.

nappy bag checklist australia

How exciting! You’ve just had your baby. You’ve got your nappy bag. You’ve got the fancy baby carrier/pram and now off you go! Right?

Not so fast. If only it had been that easy for me. I remember being a brand spanking new mum to Matilda, and I was so overwhelmed with the thought of having to step outside of the house by myself. The logistics of travelling with her AND bringing her stuff was baffling. At this point, Adam had gone back to work, and I was left to my own devices keeping this tiny human alive. (Okay, now what?) Even though I went crazy at the idea I might be stuck inside forever, the thought of leaving the house paralysed me. I had all the creature comforts at home. What if I went out and - God forbid - my baby cried in public? What if she had a poop explosion? What if she needed to sleep? What if she was bored? What would I do?


At the end of the day, your baby just needs you (and maybe a spare nappy and wipes).

Eventually, I managed to pack my bag and get out of the house, but I found myself thinking, “For someone so small, she sure does have a lot of stuff!”

I had gone from carrying a wallet, phone and keys - sans baby - to lugging around a baby bag and just all this stuff! What was even all this stuff?!

I remember the first time I was out and it hit me: I had obviously brought too much. Short of the kitchen sink, I had thrown everything I could think of into this nappy bag backpack. The process of getting any item out and stuffing it back in while handling a crying baby only made things more stressful.

Second time round, I’m a little wiser and a bit more relaxed, even though packing for two kids makes things that much more chaotic.

Baby sitting in a rocker with a packed nappy bag nearby, ready for an outing

Nappy bag organisation tips

  1. It’s a great idea to pack your bag the night before you head out. It will save you the last minute stress of trying to remember items as you head out the door.
  2. Get into the habit of unpacking and repacking your bag every time you get home after being out so you always have a fresh supply of nappies. This way, if you do need to spontaneously leave the house, you won’t be caught out.
  3. Don’t forget to remove any soiled items from the bag.
  4. Be mindful of the weather and where you live. For example, in winter, pack a spare jacket and beanie. In summer, pack a hat and long-sleeve top in case of inadequate shade or should the weather suddenly get cooler (bamboo clothing is great for changeable weather.) Live in Melbourne? Don’t forget the snow jacket, sunglasses, rain jacket, and gumboots too.
A packed nappy bag for a newborn, containing diapers, wipes, extra clothes, snacks, toys, sunscreen, hats, a breast pump and bottles, and a first aid kit.

What to pack in your nappy bag for a newborn

Here’s a handy list of what to pack in your nappy bag when out and about with your newborn baby - and how to pack it using your OiOi baby bag and nappy bag organiser pouches.

Nappy Changing Pouch

I prefer the ease of having a “nappy station”. Everything I need to change a nappy is placed in one large pouch.

  • Nappies. As a general rule of thumb, prepare for eight nappy changes a day. If you’re heading out for half a day, pack four. Short/quick trips somewhere, two should suffice. I usually only keep two in this pouch.
  • Disposable nappy bags. If no nappy bins are nearby, these are handy to place dirty nappies into in order to contain the smell. And not just for baby’s poos, but fur babies too! Also handy to put soiled clothes into.
  • Travel-size nappy rash cream. Red, sore bums are the worst for babies when out and about. Must protect their bottoms at all costs!
  • Wipes. You can never have too many wipes. Poop, dirty hands, food mess, milk vomit, dirty seat, snotty nose, no toilet paper? The uses go on and on. Sometimes, wipes can be kept in the bag they were purchased in, depending on how thick the package is.
A wet bag filled with nappies, wipes, cream, and other nappy changing essentials, ready for on-the-go diaper changes.


Spare Clothes Pouch

  • Set of spare baby clothes. Onesie or pants and top, and a singlet in case your baby throws up on themselves, or you’re struck by the dreaded poop explosion.
  • Spare top for you. When the inevitable spit up happens, it is great to have a fresh top on standby.
A wet bag filled with spare baby clothes, ready for any messes or spills while out and about with a little one.


Parent's Pouch

These are really versatile. Some people use these as a dummy case, but I actually use mine to carry more private and loose items. I usually keep this pouch in the internal zipped pocket.

  • Adult medication - Panadol and Zyrtec are staples!
  • Spare breast pads - for those leaky times.
  • Spare panty liners - as above.
  • Spare hair ties - always need these.
A compact bag stocked with medicine, pads, and other personal care items for a woman.

Medicines pouch

I love being able to see the important stuff straight away. This wet purse is great for carrying any other loose items.

  • Kids’ medication and syringe. Panadol is always handy to have
  • Hand sanitiser. Alcohol-based sanitiser to keep those pesky viruses at bay.
  • Sunscreen. Not just for bubs but for adults too! Please read warning labels as most sunscreens are not recommended for babies under 6 months old.
A clear medicine bag packed with sunscreen, ointment, and other essential items for a baby's outing. The bag is organized and ready to go, ensuring that everything is within easy reach when needed.

Feeding Essentials

  • Baby’s bottles. Stored in a insulated bottle bag.
  • Formula. Take as much as you’ll need for the outing.
  • Snacks. If you are also carrying snacks for a toddler or yourself, keep them seperate for easy organisation & access with an insulated lunch bag
  • Your water bottle. Placed in one of the outside insulated bottle pockets.
nappy bag essentials: insulated bottle holder and formula

Other baby bag essentials

Store the items you will use most in the outside pockets of your baby bag for quick & easy access.

  • Small toy. Something to entertain them with when sitting still.
  • Burp cloth. To catch any unexpected (or expected) milk vomits.
  • Dribble bib. Great for when your baby is teething.
  • Tissues. Travel packet size.
  • Wallet/keys/phone - sometimes I keep my wallet and keys inside the zipped section of my backpack.
  • Change mat. All of OiOi’s nappy bags come with a compact portable change mat that is easy to wipe clean!
  • Swaddle/blanket. Great to let you cover up when privacy is needed during feeds. Also handy if your baby gets easily distracted.
  • Portable white noise machine. To mask a noisy environment - you can also get apps on your phone to save space.
  • Baby carrier/wrap/sling. I found my newborn just loved sleeping on me when out and about (I loved it too!)

For quick trips

For those quick little trips, I usually just bring along my nappy clutch. The change mat clutch acts as a nappy change station. It has built-in pockets to hold nappies as well as a clear section for creams and other loose bits. The back of it has a small pocket where I keep my keys and a bank card. I also have an emergency bag in my car which contains extra bits and pieces. This also makes having fewer things in the nappy bag really handy.

  • Change Mat Clutch - built-in change mat and pockets
  • Nappies x2
  • Wipes
  • Disposable nappy bag roll
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Nappy rash cream

Emergency bag in the car - the Fold-Up Tote is a great bag for this.

  • Portable Change Mat
  • Nappies x 4
  • Packet of wipes
  • Nappy bag roll
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Spare clothes for baby
  • Spare clothes for mum
  • Plastic bag
  • First Aid kit

Now you're ready to leave the house!

Keep in mind that everyone is going to have their own unique take on what to put in a nappy bag. It all comes down to what makes sense to you. If you can organise the bag effectively, you can accommodate everything. It’s about utilising the space.

Baby surrounded by various types of baby bags: diaper bag, nappy backpack, and tote

We hope that you enjoyed reading this blog article. Special thanks to Bee for writing her wonderful guide on how to pack your OiOi nappy bag. OiOi is a family run Melbourne business who have built a strong reputation over 25 years for designing Australia's best nappy bags, stroller organisers & pram liners. We also have a range of popular baby shower gift. Follow us on Instagram @oioi_global for daily inspiration.

Content disclaimer:

The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, should not be construed as medical advice and it is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organisation, committee or other group or individual.

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Bee - September 16, 2022

Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for your kind words and I am so glad you’ve found this helpful. Oh, you’re at the halfway mark!! How exciting for you and your family. All the very best on your motherhood journey, so glad OiOi could be a part of it xx

Jessica - September 13, 2022

As a first time mum and also as someone who is quite organised, this article is so helpful! I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and very excited to use my OiOi Nappy Bag! Thank-you for writing this Bee :)

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